Cancellation Policy
Free cancellation for 48 hours after booking, as long as guest cancels at least 14 days before check-in. After that, guests can cancel up to 7 days before check-in and get a 50% refund of nightly rate, and the cleaning fee.
Smoking allowed: No
Pets allowed: No
Party allowed: No
Children allowed: Yes
SECURITY DEPOSIT TERMS The Security/Damage Deposit of $250 is required at the time of booking. The Security/Damage Deposit is NOT applied toward the rental; however it is fully refundable within (7) days of departure, provided the following Terms are met. If any of these terms are violated, it will result in forfeiture of the Security/Damage Deposit. a) NO damage is done to property or its contents, beyond normal wear and tear. b) NO contents of the home are lost, stolen, or damaged. c) NO smoking, candle burning, pets, or parties.